Finally, I can cental-centul maning, rek!
I don't know what I've been doing this month. It's the busiest time for me.
I just remember that I woke up early in the morning then backed to my boarding house in the evening, just for taking a rest and sleeping in the night.
Ohh... my dearest room, You're my best shelter only.
Hhm... I think, I'm getting an acute homesick now!
As you know that during the last long holiday (maybe about 2months), I was at home totally just for 2weeks.
The first week I was at home is eight days before the presidential election. After that, I had to go to Pare for a month. During I was following course there, I didn't feel happy and satisfied. No any special thing I had. Uups!!! The special thing is I ate tempe penyet almost everyday for a month, you know!!!
Hhh... So, I had left my beloved home in the holiday time which I should spend happily.
After course, I enjoyed my days at home. One more,,, it's just not more than a week! I had to back to
Malang to manage my duty in a committee I join, that is FIB's student day '09, as public relation division. So many troubles that my co. and I had to solve. We're under staff! The other member couldn't help us because they're still at their hometown.
The most busiest time is during this 2 weeks. I become a commuter. I had to commute from FIB to do my duties as public relation. Beside that, FORSAP (Forum Solidaritas Arek Probolinggo) has a plan to hold "Welcome Maba" shaped in break of fasting together, and I become the treasurer. And then move to INKAI (Institute Karate-do Indonesia) to realize my division's program that's to open recruitment for new karateka. My friend, namely Galuh, and I spread more than 100 pamlets over UB in the night. Luckily, my loyal friends, Nanda and Pcik, accompanied me. Forgive me, guys! because of this, we canceled our plan to break of fasting together, and we backed to our boarding house at10p.m until starving to death! Hhhh...
My sufferings don't stop at this point... I hope I can face and solve wisely.
And now I'm tired and hungry.
Ssstt... I wanna have a meal! I'm not having a fast today
Bubbye!! Yihuir jian!
wow.. what a busy days.. but, I think it's great to make yourself occupied since you're still young and full of energy. don't forget to drink lots of vitamin then...
BalasHapuswaiting for your next journal (^^)v
- Miss CC-