Wei!!! Ni hao...
Akhirnya karya cental-centul jariku nongol juga di dunia kayak ginian.
fahl aishfo;asfkajja bndjsw hudf,l,as fkdoaijfn fksnfjfioas hdfijka sndfjajfio hfaksn.
***author's error***

Ups! Sorry! In this chance, I should write in English, guys!
I want to share with you some information in other language.
Please come and join me to improve our skill, okay?!

September 05, 2009

Happy Your Day

tik tok... tik tok...
Just several minutes left for today
September 5, 2009 will be end

I wanna say special words you would hear once annually
H.A.P.P.Y    B.I.R.T.H.D.A.Y

Happy Birthday, Nda!
I wish all of the best for you
Just be more humble, mature, and wise...
I'll keep you as my adviser

And one more...
I do hope Narnicus becomes our eternal relationship with the other friends

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