Wei!!! Ni hao...
Akhirnya karya cental-centul jariku nongol juga di dunia kayak ginian.
fahl aishfo;asfkajja bndjsw hudf,l,as fkdoaijfn fksnfjfioas hdfijka sndfjajfio hfaksn.
***author's error***

Ups! Sorry! In this chance, I should write in English, guys!
I want to share with you some information in other language.
Please come and join me to improve our skill, okay?!

September 07, 2009

Whew! i don't know what I feel know
I'm jammed in cul-de-sac. It press me tightly!

I'm so tired. So exhausted!
I don't know what's happening.
If I could be more careful one, it wouldn't happen
These are too heavy to be lifted at a glance

Trouble is a foe, but trouble is a friend of mine
It won't ever be win!
I try! I try!

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